The week before the Minnie, Emma had a slight fever. I didn't think much of it since I had one too and it cleared up quickly. It was one of those better in the morning, peak at night around 100 degrees type fevers.
She insisted on going to Field Day at school on Friday. She didn't have a fever and I didn't want to go through the stress of getting a doctor's note for an excused absence (how stupid is that!?), so I sent her.
I drove out early to watch a little of the Field Day activities. So, three legged race, Emma was dead last. Long run, yep, dead last, although not by a humiliating margin, so better than last year. But, apparently I missed her triumphant moment! She and her best friend were the last two standing in the elementary hula hoop competition. The referee (bored highschooler) ended up calling it a tie, because neither would stop... after seventy minutes. Really. Seventy minutes. Who does that?!
I'm pretty sure I have a good hit on Emma's athletic type. I think she's going to be a fabulous middle of the pack endurance athlete. She's perfect for long distance races, where stubbornness and determination go a long way towards making up for traditional physical talent. I thought I was stubborn, but I don't think I would ever have done something that crazy (although the Goofy might have been close). Of course, we'll never know since I can't hula hoop for 7 seconds much less 70 minutes.
Oh, and it turns out she did have a fever that day. So my insanely determined child hula hooped for over an hour with a fever (that turned out to be tonsilitis and an ear infection- bad mother missed it and exposed the entire second grade! D'Oh!)
We spent Sunday night at the ER getting meds for the above-mentioned infections for a little shy of $400.00. That was nice- I was hoping I could give them $400.00 and they could take away three hours of my life... After much drama and ear goo that I will not discuss in detail, Emma was reasonably cured by Thursday. Good timing since we were headed to Disney in less than 24 hours!
Packing was difficult. Did I mention that Emma and I were doing the 5k on Saturday morning and I was doing the 15k on Sunday? Between the races, the parks, the pool, etc. it was a lot of packing stress...
Friday afternoon we drove straight to the Expo. It's a much easier Expo to deal with than marathon weekend! Packet pickup was confusing because I had to pick up three different packets- two 5ks, one 15k. And then I had ordered all different size t-shirts... Still, it was pretty smooth.

We made it to our hotel, the Animal Kingdom Lodge, with no problems. I'm directionally challenged, so this was a positive sign. Our room was a pool-side view (call me cheap) with a queen and bunk beds. Harry and Emma dug the bunk beds. Ted packed enough food for an army, since after all, we were staying two whole nights... the kids did like eating their sandwiches in bed while partaking in the grand Disney tradition of watching the Seven Must See things at Disney on TV.

We spent the night exploring the hotel and checking out the animals.

Emma must have asked twenty times when we were going to the pool- I finally couldn't take it anymore, so we headed to the room to change. Harry was horrible about wearing his swimvest until he saw other kids playing in the pool. Only then, with a visible shudder, did he say "okayyy" to the "are you going to put on your vest" question. Dreadful. The pool is nice, but the outside air was cold, so we didn't last long. It was hardly worth the fight over the vest. We meandered over to the arcade, where everyone played a few games. Finally, it was back to the room to organize our race chips, bibs, wardrobe, etc. for the 5k.

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