I took January off for several reasons: recurring PF, novelty of new bike, refusal to face cold temperatures, etc. I bought a new trainer for my bike and moved it into my bedroom. I downloaded two movies for my iPhone from "Sufferfest." It's actual footage from rides/races from either the handlebars or helmet. It's really fun in a horrible kind of way. Somehow not running worked for me- I ended up losing 10 pounds since Christmas, so that made me love my bike. Bikes are still kind of high maintenance for me, but Harry and I did go through the process of taking the front tire on and off and playing with the tube, so I'm feeling a little better about my mechanical skills.
Then someone asked me if I was doing the Princess Half- no, I said, it's too expensive and it won't work in my schedule. Got the idea in my head... yep, I signed up. I then had to deal with the concept of a rapidly approaching half with a base of maybe 4 mile runs. Over three weeks, I did a 6 mile, 9 mile, and 10 mile long run. All went well, even though I completely violated the 10% rule. (When you go from running say 4 miles a week to 25 miles, you're living on the edge).
I also freaked out and bought some Newton shoes. They are supposed to help you land more in your forefoot or midfoot or somewhere... I don't get the technology, but if it will keep me from hurting my heel, I'm all for it. And I got them in pink, cause you know, the Princess is approaching. You're supposed to break them in slowly, or I guess really break yourself into the right way of running in them. I vetoed that idea.
So, not having a clue about my pace strategy for the Princess, I signed up for the Dolphin Days 10k. I really wasn't that worried about the race, but somehow I managed to wake up over and over thinking that either I was late or I'd shown up wearing jeans. Tedious.
I go to the start in a short sleeve shirt, shorts, a light running jacket, and my super sweet pink Newtons (with the bright yellow laces). It's about 39 degrees outside, but I'm not too cold. Apparently it's very trendy to roll out of bed, throw on any old clothes, and stagger to the start. I'm not saying I was looking fabulous, but I felt a little silly in my pink shoes.
The race starts-
Mile 1: I start too far back and have to weave through people. I'm a little worried about going out too fast, but I don't want to get stuck in a pack. I finish the mile in 8:27. That seems a bit too fast, but I'm not hurting.
Mile 2: D'oh! The waterstop isn't manned yet. I don't want the water, but it bothers me. I run on. I'm passing people like crazy- usually this comes back to haunt me. Mile 2 is finished in 8:15.
Mile 3: I'm playing the same songs over and over on my iPhone because I've developed a sudden superstition that they are keeping me fast. I'm still passing people... what's up with that? Mile 3 is 8:15.
Mile 4: I remember reading that if you drink in the last 20 minutes of a 10k, it won't have time to help you. Last year I fell apart after treating the waterstop like a rest area, so I run on through. Mile 4 is 8:19.
Mile 5: How is it possible that I am still passing people? I look up and realize I only see men in front of me. I'm pretty sure I can actually feel these guys I'm passing losing the will to live- the pink shoes could only be worse if I had a running stroller too... Oddly, I still feel good. I keep telling myself to keep landing with my feet under my body to protect my heels and to keep my turn over quick. Emma texts me- "where r u?" Seriously? This mile is 8:30.
Mile 6: Somewhere around here there's another waterstop. Nope, not me. I'm moving on. For the first time since the beginning, I get passed. First there's a rail-thin woman who looks so smooth she should be on the cover of Runners World- I let her go. Then an older guy in running tights- he looks hard core- I let him go too. Finally in the last 1/2 mile, a guy in bright red shoes takes me. I'm ok with it though because I like his shoes (we bright people should stick together) and I suspect I was in high school when he was born. Mile 6 is finished in 8:27.
I finish in a shocking 52:31. I actually don't feel bad. Is it the cross-training? the weight loss? the Newtons? Don't know, but worked for me. I took 6 minutes off last year. Got a little hardware too, and by hardware I mean a little cheapo medal. Second in my age group; 40th out of 130; 7th woman across.
Before I sound too cocky, I have to add that I look dreadful in the pictures. Here I thought my pink shoes were causing the runners I passed to fall apart; but I think it may have been seeing someone as goofy as me pass them. How fast must I go before I can look like a real runner instead of a fast shuffler?!

So, now to decide on pacing for the Princess. If I plug my numbers into running calculators, I could maybe pull off a 1:56:xx half. But, I don't know if I have put in enough long runs. I'd hate to run as fast as I could and blow off the whole Disney experience only to have to walk in the last few miles. I'm thinking of a compromise position-- I'll aim for breaking 2 hours, but I'm going to take a few pictures at the Castle. Unless of course I wake up exhausted from the Disney parks the day before- then I may just take my sweet time.
And of course, I'm wearing my "you really need to take some time to get used to them" Newtons. I haven't gone over 6 miles in them. I'll bring some older shoes too in case I actually come to my senses in time to change my plans, but it's not likely. If I go down, I go down and will have no one but me to blame. I can live with that.
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