Anthem sung, fireworks off, we're headed to the start! I'm not that nervous. Anything is better than waiting around.
Remember it's 6:10 or so. It's dark outside. We're running down closed roads. There is enough light to see, but it's still strange. There are people everywhere. Some people are going slower off to the right; some are slowing down on the far left; and there's a lot of weaving in the middle. Oh, and a lot of weaving in the grass on either side. Some people do a run/walk plan- they run for say 4 minutes and walk for about 1 minute. Not a problem- probably a good idea really- but they seem to want to start the walking portion directly in front of me. What's up with that?! Didn't really matter; I just didn't want to plow into someone. If I wanted to run fast, I wouldn't be at Disney and I certainly wouldn't be going Goofy!
I have my iPod strapped on my arm, but never put in the headphones. (I just let them dangle so they could get trapped under my bib when I least expected it- annoying!) There are bands or DJs or whatever all over the place; there's a guy playing air guitar; there's a running club that is dancing around with loud music and some sort of penguin theme. There is so much to see.
Here's the first mile marker-
That's pretty much what they all look like. Well, they're all a little different. One's the Screamer, one's American Gothic, etc. Hello- I just realized they were playing the moon landing tapes at mile 1- see the sign? D'Oh!
Here's the Screamer.
Here's a section where you got to decide on your music.
I went disco, of course.
I see the entrance to the Magic Kingdom and get all excited. Psyche! We're running down a different way. I never drive at Disney and I really don't pay attention on the buses, so I'm kind of clueless as to what's happening. Whatever, I can sense the Magic Kingdom coming up! Wait- here's the Ticket and Transportation Center- spectators everywhere! It's total sensory overload- people are screaming, waving signs, ringing cowbells. My bib has my first name on it, so some sharp-eyed spectators are screaming my name. And, I see WISHers! I'm screaming now too and waving like an idiot! Seriously, this is ridiculously cool. I can feel a huge cheesy grin on my face- there's a hill somewhere along the way, but I don't care, because I'm running at Disney and I don't want it to ever end.
Here's a fuzzy spectator picture (and they were more excited than they look here!)
I look up and realize we've entered a backstage area. (Talk about non-magical- the backside of these wonderful buildings are warehouses.) There's an open gate... there's lights... there's Disney people with big Mickey gloves... tons of screaming and spectators... MAIN STREET, BABY! As if the Ticket and Transportation Center wasn't crazy enough, Main Street is loaded with screaming people including WISHers. My running is effortless now. It's absolutely overwhelming.
We turn towards Tomorrowland. I come to a screetching halt- Chip and Dale are here! I have to jump in line to get a picture.
I take off again, big cheesy grin permanently affixed. We pass the TeaCups, which are spinning, and there's Alice and friends. D'Oh! Stop again- who cares about setting a personal record!? I'm in the Magic Kingdom!
Now this is just getting out of control- Piglet!
The Carousel is spinning, Dumbos are flying...
Now I'm headed to the Castle. Ariel, Prince Eric, the Fairy Godmother, and two trumpeteers are on the balcony. I'm about 20 feet away when the trumpets start blaring above us- runners are cheering!
We head through the castle- photographers are on the down ramp. Some doofus cuts me off. Oh well, there's other photographers- maybe there's a decent picture out there. We run all the way down the ramp and go towards Liberty Square and Frontierland.
Ever seen where the parade starts by Splash Mountain? We go into the backstage area through the parade entrance. Whoa- back up, need a picture of the train for Harry, Mr. Choo Choo.
I don't see the floats like people have talked about in the past. But, there's a big ship full of pirates. I wait in a pretty long line. Who cares?!
There's another water stop before we leave the Magic Kingdom and then it's back to roads. Kind of a boring stretch, and a tight squeeze. There are some signs that are clever. Can I remember any of them? Nope. Wait, here's one- "clones are people too." Hey penguins! (from Mary Poppins- that took me awhile!)
Hmmm... a litle boring now, let's turn to runner watching. These guys do not disappoint- Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, and Captain Hook. The man facing them was just asking Tinkerbell how he got the short end of the deal!
We run towards Epcot. There are more spectators and WISHers to help break up this stretch. I can see Spaceship Earth in the distance. We run into Epcot, head towards the World Showcase, and then turn back towards Spaceship Earth. Spectators are out again- love these people! We head through a cast entrance.
Hey- there's the gospel choir. Very cool.
I'm running past the choir and can hear cheering- there's the finish line! I high five Chip (or maybe it was Dale). I cross the finish- I forget to hold my arms up in the air- maybe the photographer got me with Chip (or Dale, whatever).
I stagger over to the volunteer taking off chips, get my medal, get a blueberry muffin, and head to the Goofy tent. My orange arm band is changed for a blue one showing I completed the half. On a whim, I get a massage. Hurts so good! I chat with a few WISHers, ask my friend Angie to point me towards Epcot and my hotel, and start the long walk back dragging my bag of useless stuff. I'm wearing my medal, of course. People are congratulating me as I'm walking. How fun.
I look at my phone messages- my chip time was 2:13:xx. I forgot to look at the clock when I crossed the line. That's much faster than I intended to go, and may hurt me for the full marathon, but oh well- it was sooo fun.
After cheering some along the way through Epcot, I make it to the room and take a short ice bath. My mother and her friend took Emma to MGM (Hollywood Studios!) that morning, so she's having fun on the rides. Ted and I walk around the World Showcase a few times with Harry. I'm really happy about the Donald, but worried about the next day. I get another pizza that night. At about 8 p.m., I get in bed. The getting ready routine doesn't take as long, since I did the same thing the night before. I'm a little sore, but nothing too bad. On the positive side, as opposed to getting no sleep before the half, I pass out that night.
Here we are with Donald.
Regrets: very few. I didn't use anything in my checked bag, and it was really heavy to drag back. I hated my water belt- the water stops were very organized- Powerade in blue cups in the first tables, water in white cups towards the back.
Here's my last picture. This would be the view of someone almost passed out on a ledge below Spaceship Earth while waiting for their family to get off the ride...just saying.
Tomorrow the full!
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